Time: 38min to work (PB), 39min home (PB)
Weather: Gorgeous, helped with 2 new personal bests
Let my numbers speak. I broke 40 minutes to and fro today. Yes I can!
Pedal to the Metal
(previously Peddle to the Medal, where's my editors?)
Am no Albert Einstein, no really, but he came up with some theories that support biking up hills. Before I started up the bridge hill today, I put some gas into it. Built up some speed going into the climb. Not that kind of gas, though some might argue whether human biker gas helps propel the body forward.
What is that law then? Not the gas propulsion law. The law that makes climbing slow even more painful than climbing fast. Climbing fast keeps the momentum, but burns up energy too. Somebody who understands biking, climbing, math or science can figure out how that law of motion works for my benefit or to my demise.
Life in Plastic, It's Fantastic

On the way home, I took turns passing a plastic bottle collector. We recycle plastic in Holland, for free. He didn't look like the kind of feller who was environmentally concerned, or part of a beautification project or just green.
Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged
Don't care why he was stopping. He passed me once. I passed him twice. Good for my numbers. May litter my path tomorrow with Coca-Cola light bottles...aka Diet Coke bottles, and hope we cross paths again.
Cruise Control
Had music in my ears today. Same as coal power making steam. Not sure how that energy process works either. Just know that I was comfortable, and nearly on cruise control. People still passed me with pace, so I know it is possible to go faster to work. I don't want to blow a gasket or bust a nut before the weekend. I still have 12 days of Tour de France racing and pacing.
Trip in: 8 passed me, mom packing two kids = 3! I passed 1 guy
Trip back: 5 passed me, I passed same guy twice.
Song of the day: Rockstar by Nickelback
And had some flower power on the last leg with a Volkswagen T2 Camper Van siting

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