Time: 37 going, stopwatch quit,
38.36 coming back at night
Weather: Gorgeous almost cold, going in. Sweating coming home.
CO2 Emissions saved: 102kg
Green Day
Do you have the time, to listen to me whine...lyrics to Green Day song. Listened to 'old school' Green Day to keep me going at night on the way home. Tour de France finished Sunday, but I am a few stages behind. Just 3 stages left on my canal tour. Will continue until Friday then decide what to do with my life, body and canal biking career.
Black Day
Camera on BlackBerry is black. Stopwatch stopped. Tried to add up the time on all the Alan Jackson songs up to 'I'm in Love with You Baby and I Don't Even Know Your Name'. Then realized it was on random play. So calculations by song length wouldn't help unless I remembered each song that played. Didn't.
Fresh legs today. Good thing. Met up with Cheryl Sampley's husband's brother Troy and two of his young buck students in Amsterdam. Guys were on the last leg of a European tour.
Nudie Runner Companion for the Day
Troy is experienced, well-traveled world traveler and more claims to fame. He is an occasional nudie runner. Type in nuderuns.com to see if they are flapping through your city soon. Very awesome that someone would have the balls to run balls free with all your bits on display for public airing. Not something I can consider. More because of the actual 'running' part. But high five Troy.
Free Water Not Free in Europe
Like most Texans, they were overdue for some free chips and salsa and free ice water. Neither available in Europe. The 18yo boys missed breakfast tacos and were done with croissants and Frosted Flakes on the 'Continental Breakfast' list.
Sex, Drugs and Rock-n-Roll Tour
Walked for two hours around Amsterdam and added this to my CO2 saved calculations. Showed them what 18yo boys want to see. Red Light District, menu of weed selection in the coffee shops, Sex Museum, Erotic Museum, Hemp Museum, Torture Museum, Live Sex Show, Banana Bar and all the finer upstanding corners of Amsterdam.
Famished Tourist
Boys had said 'we just ate frites'. Heard they were on a tight budget, so I didn't worry about grazing for 3 hours at an Amsterdam restaurant. I missed all the clues that they were hungry, like 'what's your favorite food here?' Am now the embarrassed tour guide who doesn't feed her tourees.
Probably walked 5 miles/7km. Add that to the 15miles/20km that I had to bike to and fro, and we have us a biathalon. Guys should have pushed me into the canal for the triathlon experience. I would have to tread water for 45-60 minutes for me to find a way to exit the canal or a crane to hoist me from the murky browness of the Amstel.
Trip in: 9 people passed me
Trip home: 1 to 1, late in evening, no one on the roads, could sing like no one was listening and dance some weird head jerking, handlebar swerving bike dances like no one was watching.
Song of the Day: Basket Case and When I Come Around from Green Day Dookie album. Latter video on trial for being SO 90s!
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